An unseen ignition risk in hazardous areas

Non-compliant electrical equipment in potentially explosive atmospheres

At Inlex, each year, we inspect thousands of pieces of electrical equipment in hazardous areas (EEHA). We often find imported equipment that doesn’t meet Australian standards or site specifications. We also commonly find non-compliant equipment that has been installed and inspected by local contractors.

Below are images of non-compliant Ex electrical equipment we’ve discovered on sites around WA and NT. All these devices had passed previous EEHA inspections. While seemingly harmless to the untrained eye, these non-compliances present an explosive atmosphere ignition risk and threaten the safety of personnel, integrity of assets and continuity of production. Each non-compliance is a chink in the armour of your facility’s explosion protection – in the wrong circumstances, each one increases your risk of an explosion. With the introduction of industrial manslaughter legislation, there has never been a more important time to ensure your plant and equipment is fully compliant.

While seemingly harmless to the untrained eye, hazardous area electrical non-compliances present an explosive atmosphere ignition risk.

EEHA is a specialist area. It takes knowledge and experience to ensure equipment is correctly selected and installed in accordance with AS/NZS (IEC) 60079-14 and inspected and maintained in accordance with AS/NZS (IEC) 60079-17. In Australia, a qualified electrician can progress from being entirely unfamiliar with explosive atmosphere standards and electrical equipment in hazardous areas to qualified EEHA technician in as little as four days. Without ongoing training, supervision, robust procedures and processes to support them, newly qualified EEHA techs have a steep learning curve ahead of them. At Inlex, EEHA is our core focus – it’s what we do. All staff are supported by the depth of experience that runs through our business and the certified quality management system that underpins it.

EEHA is our core focus – it’s what we do.

Facility operators, contractors and equipment vendors often specify that a range of inspection activities, including NDT, lifting equipment, and coatings inspections are carried out by companies accredited by an independent certification body – so why not for the inspection of electrical equipment in potentially explosive atmospheres?

Inlex is Australia’s first and only IECEx Certified Inspection & Maintenance Facility.

Inlex is the first and only company in Australia to hold IECEx certification for the inspection and maintenance of Ex electrical equipment. This means our quality management system, processes, and procedures have been independently assessed and undergo regular audits by an independent certification body. We don’t rely solely on the competencies of our staff.

Our certification provides our customers with confidence that our services deliver the highest standards of safety, compliance, and peace of mind.

If you’d like to discover more about our IECEx certified inspection and maintenance service, and how we can help give you peace of mind, please get in touch.